7800GS Confirmed, Benchmarked

by Kristopher Kubicki on 11/22/2005 3:18 AM EST
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  • coldpower27 - Tuesday, November 22, 2005 - link

    7800 GT 400/1000 20/7 MSRP 399US, dropped from 449US.
    7800 GS 375/1000 16/6 MSRP ???US
    6800 GS 425/1000 12/5 MSRP 249US

  • CKDragon - Tuesday, November 22, 2005 - link

    As you said, those are the MSRPs, but you can regularly find:

    7800GT for $299
    6800GS for $199

    Personally, I'm still waiting on my $100 6600GT. Give it to us cheap people.
  • Pythias - Friday, November 25, 2005 - link


    Personally, I'm still waiting on my $100 6600GT. Give it to us cheap people.

    http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?Item=N82...">$99 6600GT with MIR. Enjoy! :)
  • ksherman - Tuesday, November 22, 2005 - link

    this card is likely to be between $250 and 325 i think

    esp. with so many 7800GTs going for $320 these days!

    this might be my next upgrade! Is it just me, or are the nVidia cards super cool bargains this time around?
  • CKDragon - Tuesday, November 22, 2005 - link

    It's hard to determine this market's 'bargain' because there hasn't been any real competition for the green team.

    They're certainly a better deal than ATI right now, but if ATI had similar products out we possibly see even better deals.
  • CalvinHobbes - Tuesday, November 22, 2005 - link

    Please, someone make an AGP version of this card.
  • Jep4444 - Tuesday, November 22, 2005 - link

    this card isnt even fast enough to matter if there is an AGP version

    there are already cards on the market that are similar to this in performance and are available in AGP
  • Phantronius - Tuesday, November 22, 2005 - link

    Aint gonna happen bud, time to move on.
  • Donegrim - Tuesday, November 22, 2005 - link

    Iwant someone to come up with some kind of generic PCI-E to AGP bridge. Im sure it would be possible using the bridge chip both nvidia and ati supply. It probably wouldn't be small enough to fit in between the card and the agp slot, but perhaps a small physical adaptor could sit between the sockets, with some kind of ribbon cable taking the data to and from the bridge chip that sat in a pci slot somewhere. Maybe it's a long shot, but it would be nice for those people more than happy with their current motherboard but want better graphics.
  • A554SS1N - Tuesday, November 22, 2005 - link

    Just a quick question, btw, will it have much lower power cosumpion at all? Disabling 4 pipes , and lowering core by only 25Mhz, might only add up to a few watts I assume, as everything else is the same (i.e. PCB, 110nm tech process, memory speeds)?
  • A554SS1N - Tuesday, November 22, 2005 - link

    At 375Mhz core and 1000Mhz memory, it'll be faster than the 6800GT, especially with enhancements, but I'm not too sure about it beating a 400Mhz+ core 1100Mhz memory 6800Ultra... probably halfway between those two cards.
  • Goi - Tuesday, November 22, 2005 - link

    Clock for clock the G70 is faster than the NV40, so it wouldn't be surprising to see the 7800GS best the 6800U
  • Visual - Tuesday, November 22, 2005 - link

    BUT! the GS will overclock like mad, may as well reach to the 600+ on the core like the GTX 512MB does (well, with replaced cooler) and the 6800Ultra is in its essence an already maxed out GT so it doesnt have much more headroom than stock. So obviously this new GS will be the better card.
  • plewis00 - Tuesday, November 22, 2005 - link

    I was wondering, when are we going to get performance graphs, a release date and price point? Looks nice but also looks like it'll be PCIe-only.

    2006 because the card's life cycle will probably last long into then and those white things are thermal interface pads, some have stuck to the memory chips others have stuck to the heatsink.
  • Cybercat - Tuesday, November 22, 2005 - link

    "With a good price point, the GeForce 7800GS could easily become 2006's rendition of the Radeon X800GTO^2."

    2006? :(
  • Visual - Tuesday, November 22, 2005 - link

    AT, any speculaions/estimates as to when the card will be released officially? You're not under a NDA or something, so why are you holding out information? :p
    Ok, ok... I'm looking forward to your more detailed article soon :)

    BTW, what are the white things between the memory modules and the cooler? Are they just to protect the chips and soften eventual pressure of the cooler on the chips, or do they actually help with cooling the ram in any way?
    It seems it'd be a simple thing for nVidia to have come up with some ram heatsinks...
  • CKDragon - Tuesday, November 22, 2005 - link

    I hope these could be had for less than $250. I've been on the fence about going up to a 6800GS because I usually don't spend much on video card upgrades, but if this thing can go up to 7800 GTX levels... well, somebody hold me back. :)

  • shabby - Tuesday, November 22, 2005 - link

    Review within the next few days? Schweet!
    Now what aboot and agp 7800gs?

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