Price Guides, March 2005: Storage

by Kristopher Kubicki on 3/7/2005 7:30 PM EST
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  • Live - Wednesday, March 9, 2005 - link

    I second Semo. Now that firewire 800 is coming strong external looks even more tempting.
  • semo - Tuesday, March 8, 2005 - link

    Kristopher, could you include external storage solutions in your brilliant price guides. there have been some really interesting options lately like the wd passport and lacie 300693... both are host powered mobile hdds but i don't know which one is better.
  • MadAd - Tuesday, March 8, 2005 - link

    #8 No not really. The important thing is whether all drives are measured the same way. Its just a comparison.
  • Auzner - Tuesday, March 8, 2005 - link

    Wouldn't it make more sense to calculate $/GB by [$/(.93*GB)]? Because a 250gb isn't really a 250gb because of the 1000^3/1024^3 stuff.
  • KristopherKubicki - Tuesday, March 8, 2005 - link

    MrEMan: The drives are listed as ATA100 - because quite frankly ATA133 is ATA100. ATA133 isn't *really* a spec. But I digress :-P

    dev0lution: The graph generator is actually writing Feb01 - as in February first. I'll see if I can't tweak it in the future.

  • dev0lution - Tuesday, March 8, 2005 - link

    Price graph's listing 2001 as the year in the dates?
  • MrEMan - Tuesday, March 8, 2005 - link

    I notice that quite a few of the Maxtor PATA drives are listed as ATA 100, when in fact Maxtor is the only major manufacturer producing ATA 133 drives, which makes since they created the spec.
  • MadAd - Tuesday, March 8, 2005 - link

    I noticed the price of the 250Gb 7200.8s drop in the UK too, I just picked up 4 for £346 delivered - STR benches upto 90MB/s on a TX4000 in raid 10- its like having a raptor with half a TB of space :)
  • segagenesis - Tuesday, March 8, 2005 - link

    Riplock = most of the modern drives will only let you read a movie at 2x on purpose to discourage ripping. There are firmware mods if you dont care about warranty to remove this (and enable RPC-1 if you have movies from other regions, like I do). On the ND-2500 I can get 12x rip at the end of the disc (or layer break) rather than maybe 3.6x.
  • dragonballgtz - Tuesday, March 8, 2005 - link

    OK, what is riplock? :confused;
  • mongoosesRawesome - Monday, March 7, 2005 - link

    Do all the DVD burners have riplock now? I just learned the NEC 3520A has it after I purchasing it few weeks ago. This might be a feature worth looking into for your DVD burner comparison. Even with a hacked firmware upgrade that was suppposed to remove riplock, it still feels slower than my lite-on dvd-rom drive.

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