What Intel CPU did Apple go with?

The only other chip on the motherboard liberally covered in thermal grease is the Intel CPU:

Click to Enlarge

The CPU isn't made public on Apple's site nor do any of the markings match up with anything in any of Intel's public databases, however we were able to find out a bit about where to start looking given that the North Bridge it was connected to was a Mobile 945G:

Click to Enlarge
- The 945G North Bridge is the larger chip to the upper left


We believe that the Intel CPU in the Apple TV is an Ultra Low Voltage Pentium M based on the Dothan core, running at 1GHz (max frequency), 400MHz FSB and a 2MB L2 cache.

The Mobile 945G is connected to the Apple TV's main memory:

Click to Enlarge

Each Nanya DDR2 device is 64MB in size, for a total of 256MB of main memory that the Apple TV has at its disposal.

Click to Enlarge

Apple TV: Powered by NVIDIA? Final Shots
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  • noxipoo - Friday, March 23, 2007 - link

    turn up the DoF on those pictures. I noticed it first on CPU review and continued to this, why make everything so blurred except the center. no artistic touch needed on a tech review, make everything come in focus please.
  • dm - Friday, March 23, 2007 - link

    can't wait to see how it performs

  • AppleIIe - Friday, March 23, 2007 - link

    http://www.miglia.com/products/video/tvmaxplus/ind...">Miglia TV Max+

    Being that the Apple TV won't support DVR qualities, i'm wondering how long it will be before Miglia and others makes add-ons for the Apple TV.

    Miglia TVMax+ with an Apple TV and a Miglia MiniBank would be a very clean setup.
  • blckgrffn - Friday, March 23, 2007 - link

    Is that this is more powerful than the Wii! I bet before long this has a U2500 (I think that is number, the ulv core duo 1.2 ghz) and that would be a sure bet as more code moves to multithreaded goodness.

    Seriously, why couldn't Nintendo provide even this level of hardware? I mean it has to last for four to five years! What is ridiculous is that if Apple had been willing to make it an inch thicker they probably could have put a full mobile 7600 in it for much more serious 3D performance... imagine if the wii had that... a core duo and a 256 meg 7600...

    *hugs wii to ease hurt feelings*
  • randomlinh - Friday, March 23, 2007 - link

    and then the wii would be more expensive? They stuck w/ IBM to keep easy backwards compatibility. And their money went to the remote development I'm sure.

    Sure, I wish the Wii had some more umph to it.. HD Wii would be great. But for now, it works for me. And who's to say it's a 5-6 year cycle? Nintendo profits on hardware still. So I wouldn't put a 3yr cycle out of it's range... an upgraded HD Wii with more power in the future when HDTV's are far more widespread.
  • blckgrffn - Friday, March 23, 2007 - link

    I wasn't trying to say that it would have been necessary, but I think it would have been a better platform overall with a little more grunt - I mean, navigating the menu can be painful enough at times. Even a dual core IBM would have been great, and probably wouldn't have raised costs very much. I would have easily paid $20-30 more for a wii with twice the ram and CPU, and I doubt I would have been the only one.

    Still, it's the only console outside of the Gamecube that I own, so that says something...

  • anandtech02148 - Friday, March 23, 2007 - link

    basically appletv is a 2yr old ultra mobile laptop.
    what's the next greatest innovation for Apple? I_console video game system? surely they got the knowledge to dumb down a pc product and sell it to the mass with horrendous price.

  • Falloutboy - Friday, March 23, 2007 - link

    if someone hacks this I might have a replacement for my ageing hacked xbox and XBMC, shouldn't be to hard I imagin it runs a striped down version of OSx
  • plinden - Friday, March 23, 2007 - link

    There's an ongoing discussion here - http://forums.somethingawful.com/showthread.php?s=...">http://forums.somethingawful.com/showthread.php?s=...
  • bobsmith1492 - Friday, March 23, 2007 - link

    How is this a TV? I don't see any screen...

    It looks like a super-small, weak computer.

    I don't get it. :(

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